Έπειτα από δύο χρόνια συνεργασίας, η προσωπική γραμματέας της Κάθριν Μίντλετον, Κάθριν Κουίν, παραιτήθηκε από τη θέση της. Ήταν το «δεξί χέρι» της Δούκισσας του Κέιμπριτζ και σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, έκλεισε τη συνεργασία της με τον καλύτερο τρόπο και είναι έτοιμη για νέες επαγγελματικές προκλήσεις. Πρόκειται να αφήσει τα καθήκοντά της μετά τα Χριστούγεννα. Τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια ήταν υπεύθυνη για τα πάντα που αφορούσαν την Κάθριν Μίντλετον, για τις υποχρεώσεις της, τις συναντήσεις της, καθώς και για τις επίσημες εμφανίσεις της. Βρισκόταν πάντοτε στο πλευρό της Δούκισσας και κρατούσε τα δώρα, τα λουλούδια και τις κάρτες των θαυμαστών της.

Η Κουίν ανέλαβε τα καθήκοντά της τον Οκτώβριο του 2017 και έγινε η διάδοχος της Ρεμπέκα Πρίστλι, που εργαζόταν για τη βρετανική βασιλική οικογένεια για 12 χρόνια.


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The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of Action on Addiction, attended the first annual gala dinner in recognition of Addiction Awareness Week. Before the dinner, The Duchess of Cambridge met former Action on Addiction clients Jay Otty and Melanie Bennett, who worked to prepare food for the gala dinner. Jay is a key member of the ‘front of house’ staff at @Brink_Liverpool – Action on Addiction’s ‘dry bar’ in the city. He has worked in the hospitality industry for seven years, having now been clean and sober for nine years. Melanie says that Action on Addiction’s Self-Help Addiction Recovery Programme, which taught her coping mechanisms and new behaviours, and started the grieving process for her father which she had been blocking for ten years, helped saved her life. Speaking at the dinner, The Duchess said: “What’s remarkable about Action on Addiction is that it goes beyond helping those who are suffering on the courageous journey into recovery – it also lends direct support to the children and families affected by addiction – for as long as it takes.” Action on Addiction is the only UK addictions charity that works across all the areas of research, treatment, family support and professional education. The aim of Addiction Awareness Week is to provide a platform for focused conversations about the many different facets of addiction, to enable a wide range of organisations to engage with people and families who may be affected by addiction, and to raise public awareness of the far-reaching and negative effects of addiction. The ultimate aim is that as honest but inspirational stories are shared, those affected by addiction will then feel more able to take the necessary steps to access help, hope and freedom from their addiction. @ActionOnAddiction #AddictionAwarenessWeek

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